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  • Scalable and Reliable Microservice-Based App Delivery Through NetScaler and Citrix Ingress Controller

    • Validation Status: Validated
      Summary: Cloud-Native applications require a more flexible and automated ingress. Discover how Citrix Ingress Controller automates the configuration for Kubernetes applications
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    Cloud-native applications are built to allow for continuous updating of code without affecting the users’ experience. A legacy application, on the other hand, requires a complete reload of the application because its parts are all intertwined, and the app has to be taken offline to be updated. Today, this type of interruption is unacceptable.


    Cloud-native applications are written such that each part of the application is created in smaller chunks or containers. Because individual software engineering teams can maintain these containers, updating one container has less impact on the ability of a team to keep an application available. Software engineers can publish updated containers without taking the original container offline or affecting the application as a whole. 


    Containers add complexity in providing access to the intended audience. Kubernetes uses Ingress to control access to the services in a cluster, and the ingress can provide load balancing, SSL termination, and name-based virtual hosting.


    NetScaler is an industry-leading platform that provides traffic control functions such as load balancing and includes features that add security, monitoring, and controls to the inbound requests. Updating your NetScaler manually when new changes are made to the Kubernetes cluster would make it difficult to meet the automation and fast deployment needs of modern applications.


    That’s where Citrix Ingress Controller and IP Address Management (IPAM) containers from NetScaler can help. Citrix Ingress Controller watches for changes on the Kubernetes cluster and automatically configures the NetScaler to provide access to the applications deployed as microservices. IPAM delivers the IP address needed, and Citrix Ingress Controller updates the NetScaler entities (services), ensuring users can access the application without interruption.




    It’s quick, easy, and automated, just the way we like it!


    Are you looking for an ingress proxy (NetScaler) for your cloud-native / microservice-based application delivery? Reach out to us at netscaler-appmodernization@cloud.com for a free consultation!


    Learn more about Citrix Ingress Controller and IPAM containers with these resources:


    Citrix Documentation

    Automate the Ingress Controller

    Configuring Multi-cluster Kubernetes Ingress with GSLB

    Ingress Controller for OpenShift

    Using a Citrix ADC for the OpenShift Control Plane

    Ingress Controller on AWS Marketplace

    Ingress Controller on Azure Marketplace

    Ingress Controller on Google Cloud Platform

    Getting started with NetScaler cloud-native deployment


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