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Primer: App Usage Analytics in NetScaler ADM

Chris Chau
  • Validation Status: Validated
    Summary: ADM App Usage Analytics helps in figuring how your apps are being used!

As we always mention, a proper app delivery solution is not only about deploying an ADC to deliver requests/responses to/from your users/apps, but also the performance and management of the apps after being delivered.


NetScaler ADM Service is a cloud service for not only centralized managing your NetScaler fleet, but also providing adequate information on the performance, security and behaviour of your apps and app delivery infrastructure.  Among those analytics, App Usage Analytics is the one based on AI/ML and helps you:

  1. Figuring out what Apps are using the most resources and how they are.
  2. Showing how your apps are performing normally or abnormally.
  3. Alerting any suspected behaviour or security issues happened on your apps.
  4. Suggesting the best maintenance timeline according to the daily usage patterns.
  5. Many more...
Let's take a look at the following video and see how the above can be achieved by App Usage Analytics in ADM Service.


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