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Lukasz Slemp

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Posts posted by Lukasz Slemp

  1. couldn't get it working with logoffchecksysmodules ...

    as a workaround I did set up HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\MaxDisconnectionTime  with dword value 10000 which automatially logs the session off after 10seconds. 


    But I'm afraid it's kinda forced logoff and may not be good enough to keep profiles in good state. For now it works. 

  2. well, 

    Tried that few times, but couldn't catch the process, but now, after your hint, I did it again with some multiple processes and I think I got it:


    CtxMtHost.exe and wfshell.exe - killing these two logs session off.


    But, should I add these to LogOffCheckSysModules? both seem to be legitimate citrix services, aren't they?

  3. Hi,

    I'm having an issue with logging off users that are running published apps - as soon as app is closed, session disappears from Citrix Receiver, but in Citrix Director and Server itself I can still see user being connected with following processes:




    I already have HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\wfshell\TWI\LogoffCheckSysModules in place with following value:



    When I press logoff in Citrix Director session or RDSH - it works, user gets logged off like it should. I can also kill LogonUI.exe process and it closes all other processes, but session stays alive without processes.



    I'm running XA/XD 7.15.5 using MCS deployment on VMware. Windows Server 2019 with all recent patches.

    Any idea what could be causing such behavior? 

  4. ok, I think VDA resintallation fixed the issue, but, not entirely.

    Now, application is getting closed, but session remains connected & active:



    Session State: Active

    Application State: Application Not Running


    Lingering is not enabled. In addition, as soon as I forcibly log user off, following errors are logged:


    Source: DistributedCOM

    ID: 10001

    User: Network Service


    Cannot launch DCOM: {7208BD48-B348-4A35-B870-EAD2CDF1670B} as Not available/Not available. Error:
    Error while executing command:
    C:\Program Files\Citrix\Virtual Desktop Agent\DirectorComServer.exe -Embedding


    (above Event message may not be 100% accurate, since I had to translate it from non-en language).

  5. Hi!

    I have XA/XD 7.15.5 deployed with WEM / Citrix UPM on WS2019 worker servers.

    Now switching to fslogix (upm & folder redirection disabled in wem console) and logon works very well, but on logoff:

    • session remains in state "logging off" in citrix director
    • session remains as "disconnected" on worker server


    Above only applies to hosted applications. When I start & close desktop session - everything works fine.


    Any ideas what could that be?


  6. Hi!

    I'm having an issue with printers being inproperly mapped in a user session. 

    My config is:

    Client printer redirection -> Allowed 
    Auto-create client printers -> Auto-create the client's default printer only 
    Direct connections to print servers -> Enabled 
    Automatic installation of in-box printer drivers ->  Disabled 
    Universal print driver usage -> Use universal printing only 
    Auto-create generic universal printer -> Disabled 
    Retained and restored client printers -> Prohibited 

    I have like 60 VDA worker servers booted from single golden image (PVS). 


    On some sessions (25%), default printer from windows client is being redirected to citrix session where user sees universal print driver and have an option called "Local settings" (which lets him jump to full printer driver from Win client). But on the other sessions (75%) - printer is being mapped like a network printer (\\printserver\printername), with universal print driver, but without an "local settings" option this time.


    All servers are made of same golden image, rebooted weekly, same OU, same policies. 

    I have also observed that these 25% working sessions are always on same set of Citrix worker servers (it's like 10-15 servers out of whole 60 that are working fine - for unknown reasons).


    Any ideas where to look? what to look for? 

    Based on above I would suggest myself to check policies - and I did, 10 times, 8 times with citrix support, they are the same. 



    // Edit:

    What's more; with an published app opened, let's say Word:

    my client default printer gets mapped as \\printserver\printer (BAD)

    I change default printer on my Windows client to PDF Creator (instead of network printer)

    Word refreshes default printer and shows PDF Creator (from CLIENTName) in session 67 (GOOD)

    I change default printer on my Windows client to any network printer

    Word refreshes default printer and shows it mapped as \\printserver\printer (BAD)


    network printers do not get redirected, why? 


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