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Chris Chau

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Posts posted by Chris Chau

  1. Hi Simon,

    The expression you are using "HTTP.REQ.URL.CONTAINS" is just checking the URL part of your request, i.e. the string after your FQDN. E.g. if your site is "https://access.corp.com/login.html", it is just checking "/login.html".

    To check the FQDN (i.e. "access.corp.com"), you can use "HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.CONTAINS".

    Thanks and regds,


  2. Oh. Then I think I will let our techsupport to give you an professional answer as there must be other log files providing more visibility and deep investigation.

    Just one thing: normally, I would look into the ns.log files (maybe zipped into different versions already) around the failover timestamp and from that file, looking for any abnormal events happened around/before the failover happened. Surely, it might just give you the abnormal event (e.g. link down). The root cause behind that might need further analysis.

  3. Hi Simon,

    Have you ever tried uploading the support bundle to CIS (https://cis.citrix.com/) for a quick analysis?


    This is the supporting tool and everyone can use it via your Citrix account credential. Once you log in, go to "Workspace" and click "Tools". Following the dialog, you can upload the support bundle file and it will automatically analyse all the logs for you.

    After a while, an email will be sent to you, with the link for you to read the result.

    See whether this online tool could help you troubleshoot first. Surely, any NetScaler with a valid support maintenance could also open a support case in your scenario.

  4. Yes. By using nFactor Auth approach, you may setup a Factor, with No-Auth policy, to distinguish the client source IP and see whether it is within a defined internal subnet. If yes, will go to the next Auth Factor directly. If no, will go to an EPA Factor, and then to the Auth Factor.

    Using the nFactor Visualizer to configure will be easier for you to track the flow.

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