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Legacy Group
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Posts posted by Net247

  1. I have a backup script that failed and created a bunch of ghost VDI's that are not attached to any VDB/VM.

    # xe vdi-list uuid=32bd4792-32f3-4dc7-a35f-ea1250d5b719
    uuid ( RO)                : 32bd4792-32f3-4dc7-a35f-ea1250d5b719
              name-label ( RW): base copy
        name-description ( RW):
                 sr-uuid ( RO): a148e5a4-74b5-6b26-77f8-1b5c70c2065d
            virtual-size ( RO): 104857600
                sharable ( RO): false
               read-only ( RO): false

    When trying to destroy a this or any of the orphaned VDI the system returns the following response:

    # xe vdi-destroy uuid=32bd4792-32f3-4dc7-a35f-ea1250d5b719 --force
    This operation cannot be performed because the system does not manage this VDI
    vdi: 32bd4792-32f3-4dc7-a35f-ea1250d5b719 (base copy)

    I have checked they are not attached to any VBD/VM - they are not.


    If I run the xe vdi-forget they just come back the next time the storage scan runs.


    Any suggestions?


    (XenServer 7.4)

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