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WC Jones

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Posts posted by WC Jones

  1. Good morning All,

    I need to patch my xenservers. I have 6 host running 7.1 and it looks like the only update that has been applied to the host is a hotfix XS71E003 version 1.0. I am using Xencenter version 7.2 build to manage. I have checked the license details and it says  Status= Unlicensed  License= Xenserver.  


    1. Am I able to update the host without a license?

    2. What version of xenserver am I running i.e. Free, Standard, Enterprise ( I will assume Free)

    3. I have a log into the website and I can see downloads but they are only for standard and enterprise 






    WC Jones

  2. It all turned out to be networks ... gr.. they did not configure both management ports on the secondary hosts... so of course when I tried to join it back to the pool I could not ping it, but if i left it as a standalone i had no issues. I ultimately found this out by going to configure the management and instead of using eth5 i used eth 7 and nothing... then i thought i should try the another host the same way... same thing.  Once I got them to configure both ports  I have all the host working. Tested Migration and vm connectivity. Finally. lol. Thank you for all of your help and suggestions. I probably could have figured this out sooner if I would have tested both ports in the beginning  .. now I know when networks say you are good to go.... maybe just maybe you are not :)

  3. Thanks for the response. So I think I might have messed up things.. so I did a pool eject for all of host tied to the pool. Now when I try to add it back it says " this host is a backup of cluster this is not allowed. What are my options? The master has all the vms running and working so I am ok on that front(NFS storage). Would I be able to create a new pool with the remaining  host and then add original master as a slave? Or am I looking at a reinstall on all those host to add it back to the master?

  4. So after banging my head up against the wall... I shut my problem host down. I normally run a ping -t against it so I know its completely  down.. I noticed the ping session never timed out so I ran in the back and the server had shutdown. So I powered off the other two and the same thing happened. So I call my network team and asked them if there are other devices that have my reserved IP addresses and .... yes there are. Someone did not update the spreadsheet with my request. grr. So hopefully once I have clean Ip's this issue will  be resolved. I will keep you posted

  5. I have a pool of 6 servers. 

    When I run ntpstat my three problem servers they all have a time correct to within or even above 205 ms. the same three servers are the ones that have intermittent issues with performance tab and console freezing. They all use the same NTP server. What else can i do to correct this problem?

  6. Thanks for the info. I tried all with no luck. I ended up on doing and emergency reset on the management NICs on both of the problem host.  I am good to go! thank you all for you help on this. I will be back.....going to have to upgrade after the data migration is complete.

  7. Hello All,


    So I finally got networks to provide me a different Vlan and the IPs are on a different subnet for management yay! Now I have been browsing and I have not found an easy method when it comes to switching mgnt  IPs on the host.  Is there a short and concise process that anyone has?  I have 6 host in a pool and I know to turn off HA before doing what I want to do. 




  8. Thanks for the responses. I drew it out on my white board and the easiest solution would be what you mentioned in regards have networks create with different subnet. I will have them change the management Vlan instead of current VM traffic so that I dont have to worry about the VMs network status. Thanks!

  9. Thanks for the responses. How would I go about manually adding a route for the interfaces? Getting in touch with our networks team is rather difficult since we are a very small lab and we are not on the high priority when it comes to changes. I think they would have to change the interface(s) that I want to use that currently has the VM traffic on it to a Trunk port instead of access with having Storage on vlan and VM traffic on another. If the static route works then I dont mind doing it.

  10. Thanks for the response. So since the network if all flat no vlans is it possible to tell xencenter to use the specific interfaces for mounting NFS? When I put the Mgmnt IPs in the NFS export storage mounts. When I take those out and replace them with the IPs of the intended NFS interfaces it does not work due to permissions. 



  11. So in the NFS export I used the IPs of the NFS interfaces on the xenhost to allow them to connect. I purposely left off the managment IPs because I have tested that and it works. When I run showmount -e and the ip of the nfs server it shows the export correctly. 

  12. Hello all,


    I am new to Citrix Xencenter but not virtualization. I am doing some data migration and I am moving  away from fiber channel storage to NFS storage. My question is I have bonded nics(eth 4 and 6) and Bonded VM traffic(eth 5 and 7). I would like to use the VM traffic bond/interface to mount to NFS storage. I have configured the export on the allow the Ips I set for the (eth 5 and 7) but when I do a deep dive from the command line I see Xencenter using the management interface to connect. Is there any way to manually mount to the NFS server using the intended interface?


    Xenserver .... 7 ( Dont kill me I am taking over for someone trying to get it in order :) )

    Dell Isilon  H400

    Flat network

  13. Hello all,


    I am new to Citrix Xencenter but not virtualization. I am doing some data migration and I am moving  away from fiber channel storage to NFS storage. My question is I have bonded nics(eth 4 and 6) and Bonded VM traffic(eth 5 and 7). I would like to use the VM traffic bond/interface to mount to NFS storage. I have configured the export on the allow the Ips I set for the (eth 5 and 7) but when I do a deep dive from the command line I see Xencenter using the management interface to connect. Is there any way to manually mount to the NFS server using the intended interface?


    Xenserver .... 7 ( Dont kill me I am taking over for someone trying to get it in order :) )

    Dell Isilon  H400

    Flat network

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