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Manjunath M

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Everything posted by Manjunath M

  1. Hi Kai, Sorry for missing your last response notification. Could you please assist me in better understanding this case? I believe you have applied the BOT policy globally and are looking for BOT-insights on ADM. You can see the insights on the ADM if you enabled "BOT-Security-Voilations" on the Vservers. Only the enabled vservers will have BOT-Security violations displayed. As an example, suppose you have ten vservers and have applied a global bot policy. And because ADM has only enabled insights for two vservers, you can only view BOT insights for those two vservers.
  2. Hi Kai, Please enable bot analytics to view the bot security violations on ADM. Link to refer: https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/citrix-application-delivery-management-service/analytics/bot-insight.html
  3. Hello Grega, We will have to escape the question mark ("?"). Please try the below command in CLI, set rewrite action VPN_Store_Force_rw_act -target http.res.body(1000) -stringBuilderExpr q|"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>"| GUI bug will be fixed.
  4. We should use the following delimiter to insert XML responses, set rewrite action VPN_Store_Force_rw_act -target http.res.body(1000) -stringBuilderExpr q|"<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">"|
  5. Hi Alex, In this case, the submitted XML data is processed as form data. Applying HTML checks will therefore be sufficient to shield it from SQi and command injections. You might need to implement relaxation rules for the XML tags because they will cause XSS violations when used on form data. We cannot apply XML protections on the HTML form data. Thanks, Manjunath M
  6. Hi, You can try configuring the BOT feature to protect against automations. But this feature is available on 13.0 and 13.1 builds. https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/bot-management.html Thanks
  7. To import locally, Copy your signature to /var/tmp/ scp nsroot@ip:/var/tmp/voiceconfig_af.xml Execute the following import command, import appfw signatures local:voiceconfig_af.xml new_obj_name --Manjunath
  8. Cloning the default signature from CLI: shell cp /netscaler/default_bot_signatures.json /var/tmp/cloned_sign_source import bot signature local:cloned_sign_source new_clone_name
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