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Josh Marquez1709160885

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Posts posted by Josh Marquez1709160885

  1. So a couple of options here...

    A) Citrix's recommendation for using this PIN would likely be to use the Citrix Universal Printer to have the print job sent to your local device's printer configuration, whereby then the saved print configuration on the endpoint would be used.  Admittedly, I don't see a lot of individuals using the Citrix Universal Printer and it's not the default configuration for Citrix in the policies...so...that's option A.



    B) Secondly, a third-party product named ScrewDrivers by Tricerat is perfect for this.  ScrewDriver's is very aptly named in that it allows you to disregard all the print driver compatibility issues between Servers and Endpoints and allows you to use all the native driver functionality of your manufacturer print driver.  A link to the apps product page along with brief demo link is provided below.




    Apologies for going off-track a bit...but found these to be your best options.



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  2. Another idea...though a bit unorthodox....would be to package the application into a VMware ThinApp package and present the app from a Published App server.  I've pulled this trick with a handful of applications that required application isolation (which Citrix deprecated back in 5.5 or 6.0...not sure).  Of course, this does require you have some spare ThinApp licenses laying around.


    The official guidance on this topic from Citrix is either A) your suggested approach or B) use Microsoft App-V for the application isolation (though I can't see recommending spinning up all the components for a single app).

  3. Personally a fan of TrendMicro's Deep Security product that provides agentless AV protection.  The footprint of this is pretty much non-existent and you don't have to worry about agent updates, av dictionaries, etc. since the scans occur at the host level.


    Less expensive, Sophos offers a similar solution, but it's has some odd caveats.  Aka...vMotions (and other migration tech) can cause unnecessary communication across hosts.  


    Other light-weight solutions I've heard good things about were CrowdStrike and Cylance, but I have not POCed them myself.

  4. Have you verified that UPM is loading back in the profile?  Check in C:\windows\system32\logfiles\UserProfileManager\servername_pm log file.


    A screenshot of your GPO configuration for UPM would be helpful as well here.


    In my setup I have UPM handling the profiles and did not specify a directory for the Shared Activation token (it defaults to AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing...which if your UPM is configured to save Local AppData will automatically be loaded back in upon logoff/logon.

  5. 4 hours ago, Andy White1709154166 said:

    SharedComputerLicensing is already set to 1 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration


    Updated the ADMX files and edited this below to a network folder share, but not working here.

    Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2016 (Machine)\Licensing Settings.


    I have this folder share but I need a folder for each user if I read that correctly, do I use %username% at the end?




    Our Users are O365 E3 licensed btw.


    Yes, you'll need the %username% alias...I'd suggest using the path \\servername\UPM_Profile\%username%.  In your case that would be \\svr-dw01\UPM_Profile\%username%  


    If you're using different versions of Windows between the sessions it's always a good idea to use another variable string to dictate the profile version.  

    AKA  \\servername\UPM_Profile\%username%\!ctx_profilever!\

  6. I'd start with looking in the log file for UPM under %windir%\system32\LogFiles\UserProfileManager\.  The log file in question will have a name similar to FQDN_ServerName_pm. 


    Review that for any ERRORS that may point to an issue.  I've ran into everything from UPM driver failures to launch because of SHA-256 driver signature to corrupted user profiles.

  7. 7 hours ago, Paul Cross said:

    Sounds like you haven't configured the token to roamed. Take a look at this - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/overview-of-shared-computer-activation-for-office-365-proplus. Note the section under Licensing token roaming.


    I'd also be tempted to look at Carl's guide for configuring UPM - https://www.carlstalhood.com/citrix-profile-management

    To elaborate on that a bit...

    1st - Verify the Office installation is in Shared Computer Activation mode.  (Either via registry or GPO)

    2nd - Have a look at where/if the activation token is being stored in the UPM user profile.  By default...it's in the following location...%localappdata%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing.


    If that file isn't being maintained across connection attempts that will likely be the source of your issue.

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