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Matt Meserve

Legacy Group
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Posts posted by Matt Meserve

  1. Thanks for the response.  I did tweak the vbs script to make the window visible while running the powershell script so I can see that it actually runs.  Odd that it still doesn't appear to work.  Not seeing any errors when it runs.  I run the same script from the desktop and all tiles are refreshed.


    I did find a Citrix article that describes the issue with VDA 7.15, I believe.  Had to do with mirroring a particular  folder AppData\Local\Microsoft\WIndows\Caches.  Tried that thinking that perhaps it still applied in 1903 but no difference.  I even removed the user profile so it was completely recreated on login to test but result is the same.



  2. Thought I would follow-up with this to close the loop.  I had to work with Citrix Support on this one.  The missing reg values referenced in the NOTE section in my original post was key.  Basically, I had to push these reg keys via GPO to get this resolved.  Citrix itself was not creating them on login for some reason.  I have listed them below.  Some are dups.





  3. I'm currently running Citrix 1903 and have Windows Server 2016 published desktops.  We're also using UPM and have roaming profiles.  Local profiles on the RD servers are deleted on log off.  The initial issue I was facing was that the app tiles on the Start Menu and Pinned apps were disappearing when the user logged off then on again.  I found a vbs script that kicks of a powershell script that refreshes all of these tiles.  Works great.  So I thought I would setup the vbs as a logon script that would then launch the powershell script on user login so the tiles would be refreshed each time.   However, it doesn't appear to work.  If I launch the vbs as the logged on user it works fine, but not as a GPO.  I have the logon script GPO under  User Configuration>Windows Settings>Scripts>Logon.  On the Scripts tab I added my vbs script.  I took the powershell script and placed it in a share and changed the path in the vbs script accordingly.  Again, this all runs fine if I launch the vbs script from the desktop of a logged in user.  If I run RSOP as the logged in user I can see the vbs in the results.


    Is there something I'm missing here?




  4. I have a delivery controller in domain A and a storefront in domain B.  I have added the DC from domain A to the SF in domain B and ensured that I have permissions to access the delivery group in domain A using my credentials from domain B.  When I login to SF on domain B I can now see the shortcuts published from domain A.  However, when I attempt to launch them I receive "Cannot start desktop...".  Also, there are a couple of errors in the event logs on each side.  Before I start down this road can it be confirmed that this is even doable?  Domain A is a legacy domain and we still have many (non-citrix) resources here.  Our new domain (domain B) is now our primary domain and there's a trust between the two.


     DC in domain A: 


    Log Name:      

    Source:        Citrix Broker Service
    Date:          8/26/2019 3:10:02 PM
    Event ID:      1101
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Warning
    User:          NETWORK SERVICE
    Computer:      computername.local
    The Citrix Broker Service failed to broker a connection for user 'domainB\username' to resource 'Computer'. The Citrix Broker Service cannot find any available virtual machines. 
    Please add more virtual machines to the site. If the problem is due to existing virtual machines not becoming available, see Citrix Knowledge Base article CTX126992.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Citrix Broker Service" Guid="{1EC1549E-1762-49AB-B7A8-0DE5CBACA3FB}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2019-08-26T22:10:02.559018400Z" />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID="1380" ThreadID="17592" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-20" />
        <Data Name="user">domainB\username</Data>
        <Data Name="resource">resource name</Data>


    SF in domain B

    No available resource found for user domainB\username when accessing desktop group <groupname>. This message was reported from the Citrix XML Service at address http://deliverycontroler.local/scripts/wpnbr.dll [NFuseProtocol.TRequestAddress]. 


    Failed to launch the resource 'Resourcename' using the Citrix XML Service at address 'http://deliverycontroler.local/scripts/wpnbr.dll'. The XML service returned error: 'no-available-workstation'.





  5. I'm running Citrix 7.18 on Server 2016. I have two delivery groups (Remote Desktop & App Server) that are both using a single storefront.  I have published several apps from the app server and can access them from remote desktop through Citrix web and also have access to them in my remote desktop through Citrix Workspace 1903.  I have an issue when I launch a published app from remote dekstop but can't figure out what's causing it.


    When I log into the web storefront I can launch Remote Desktop and see my published app shortcuts on my desktop.  When I launch an app it causes Citrix to initiate a second Remote Desktop session within my current remote desktop session along with the app.  The app does open fine but in the background I've got a second remote desktop session partially launched and an Access Denied popup.  I click OK on the popup and the second remote desktop session disappears and the app remains open.  This only happens after launching the first app once I login to remote desktop.  If I launch other apps after they seem fine.


    NOTE: If I login to Remote Desktop for the first time, go to Citrix Workspace: Advanced Preferences > Shortcuts and Reconnect and check 'Show Applications in Start Menu' and 'Show Applications on Desktop' BEFORE doing anything else, I can then launch a published app and everything seems fine.  Oddly, both of these options are configured in group policy but for some reason they're not being pulled in.  I've also noticed that there are several reg keys in HKCU under Dazzle that don't populate until I manually check these two settings.  There's something about manually setting these options, specifically the 'Show Applications on Desktop', that 'fixes' the issue.


    Each time I see the second dekstop loading issue I'm seeing the following event on my Remote Desktop server:

    Level: Warning

    Source: rpm

    Event ID: 7

    ICA Connection request denied because the current user, [domain\username], is not the owner of the Session, [domain\username].


    I have checked Studio as well as Task Manager on the RD and App servers prior to logging in and there are no existing/disconnected session for the user prior to login.  I have read that this error can be seen if you try to launch an app before the system has completed a previous task or login, which makes sense.  However that doesn't appear to be the scenario here.  Although it seems that it's trying to loopback and launch another RD session when I launch a published app.  I assume I'm seeing the Access Denied popup because one user cannot have more than a single RD session open.



    Thanks for any assistance!






  6. On 6/29/2018 at 2:13 PM, Ryan Barber said:

    I found that if you export this key: HKLM\software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\appx\AppxAllUserStore from a working 2016 server and import it into a broken one, it will fix the startmenu not working. I also found that when its broken you will see keys missing from under the AppxAllUserStore key.


    Holy reg hack, rbarber!  This actually works for me so far!  I've been messing with this for 2 weeks, playing with GPO, Inclusion/Exclusion lists, etc.  Nothing worked!  NO idea why those reg keys broke.  Thanks for posting!

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