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Vincent Lewin1709156903

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Posts posted by Vincent Lewin1709156903

  1. Hi All,


    I have migrated our citrix xendesktop 7.15LTSR db to a new 2022 sql server following 





    All commands completed successfully and I can see on the sql server the controllers are talking to it but when I open studio on any controller. It eventually times out and gives me an error


    "You do not have the permissions required to complete this request"


    What did I miss?

    Is this because I have used a 2022 SQL server?







    Error Id: XDDS:6B8DAD0A

        DesktopStudio_PowerShellHistory : GetCapabilitiesScript
        17/07/2023 09:36:07
        Error Source : Citrix Studio
        StackTrace: Citrix.Console.Common.CitrixAggregateException One or more parallel operations failed
           at Citrix.Console.Common.CitrixParallel.InternalForEach[TIn](IEnumerable`1 items, Action`1 operation, Int32 maxSimultaneous)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.CapabilitiesService.Scripts.GetCapabilitiesScript.RunScript()
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellInteraction.PowerShellScript`1.Run()
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.CapabilitiesService.Scripts.GetCapabilitiesAndFeaturesScript.RunScript()
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellInteraction.PowerShellScript`1.Run()
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.CapabilitiesService.PSCapabilitiesService.LoadCapabilities(Boolean servicesAreConfigured, Nullable`1 productEdition, Boolean forceRefresh)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.UpgradeService.UpgradeTasks.DataMigration.DataMigrationTasks.GetUpgradeRequirement(IProgressReporter progressReporter, UpgradeStatusModel upgradeStatusModel)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.UpgradeService.UpgradeTasks.UpgradeTaskBase.AssessUpgradeRequirement(IProgressReporter progressReporter, UpgradeStatusModel upgradeStatusModel)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.UpgradeService.UpgradeTasks.Upgrade.GetUpgradeRequirement(IProgressReporter progressReporter, UpgradeStatusModel upgradeStatus)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.UpgradeService.UpgradeTasks.UpgradeTaskBase.AssessUpgradeRequirement(IProgressReporter progressReporter, UpgradeStatusModel upgradeStatusModel)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.UpgradeService.PSUpgradeService.GetUpgradeStatus(IProgressReporter progressReporter)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.SiteService.Scripts.LoaderScript.RunScript()
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellInteraction.PowerShellScript`1.Run()
           at Citrix.Console.DeliveryCenter.UI.ViewModel.DesktopStudioViewModel.LoadSiteState(IProgressReporter progressReporter)
           at Citrix.Console.DeliveryCenter.UI.ViewModel.DesktopStudioViewModel.ClassicConnectToSite(String ccsLocation, Boolean safeForDispatcher, IProgressReporter progressReporter)
           at Citrix.Console.DeliveryCenter.UI.ViewModel.DesktopStudioViewModel.ConnectToSite(String ccsLocation, Boolean safeForDispatcher, IProgressReporter progressReporter)
           at Citrix.Console.Common.OperationTimer.TimeBlock(Action operation)
           at Citrix.Console.CommonControls.ProgressDisplay.GenericProgressOperationWithFeedBack.PerformOperationInternal()
           at Citrix.Console.CommonControls.ProgressDisplay.ProgressWindowOperation.PerformOperation()
           at Citrix.Console.CommonControls.ProgressDisplay.ProgressWindowViewModel.PerformAction(Action operationComplete)
    Inner Exception:
        StackTrace: Citrix.Console.Common.CitrixAggregateException One or more parallel operations failed
           at Citrix.Console.Common.CitrixParallel.InternalForEach[TIn](IEnumerable`1 items, Action`1 operation, Int32 maxSimultaneous)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.CapabilitiesService.Scripts.GetCapabilitiesScript.GetCapabilities(DeploymentCapabilitiesModel siteCapabilities, SdkType type, Reduce reduce, Fetch fetch, IEnumerable`1 controllersAtMinVersion)
           at Citrix.Orchestration.Base.PowerShellSdk.CapabilitiesService.Scripts.GetCapabilitiesScript.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<RunScript>b__2(CapabilityConfig kv)
           at Citrix.Console.Common.CitrixParallel.<>c__DisplayClass5_2`1.<InternalForEach>b__0(Object arg)
    Inner Exception:
        DesktopStudio_ErrorId : AccessDenied
        Error Source : CitrixBrokerService
        ErrorCategory : PermissionDenied
        DesktopStudio_PowerShellHistory : SimplePowerShellScript
        17/07/2023 09:36:07

  2. Hi All,


    It seems as though this might be caused by a corrupt ntuser.dat file but how do I fix it?


    I'm running windows 10 22H2 with VDA 2203 and my environment is XD 7.6 1912LTSR

    From no user profile existing the first logon completes successfully, the UPM creates the profile on the user share I have and all seems good but Second and subsequent login's always results in an error creating your profile message, you have been logged in with a temporary profile.


    2023-05-02;18:33:01.757;ERROR;DOMAIN;vincent;1;1240;VhdStoreHistoryPathRead: CreateFile: \\xdfs####\users$\vincent\vincent.Win10_22H2\VhdStorePath, failed with: The system cannot find the file specified.
    2023-05-02;18:33:01.810;;DOMAIN;vincent;1;1240;Copied NTUSER.DAT from \\xdfs####\users$\vincent\vincent.Win10_22H2\Pending\UPM_Profile\NTUSER.DAT to C:\Users\vincent\NTUSER.DATThe operation completed successfully.


    UPM log appears to show an error and then immediately a success.

    If I create the missing folder VhdStorePath, then I get a message in the LOG about creating a new folder!


    I'm a bit lost now, googling seems to suggest its either a windows issue or a roaming profile issue.

    Do I need to review my sync'd folders and files?


    Any help is gratefully appreciated.



  3. Hi Carl,


    Thankyou for your prompt reply.


    I've downloaded and run up the IIS Crypto tool but it looks like it is set correctly! Would you mind reviewing the screen shots?


    The exact error on the storefront server is...

    An SSL connection could not be established: None of the SSL cipher suites offered TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 were accepted by the server.. This message was reported from the Citrix XML Service at address https://xdct03.domain.local/scripts/wpnbr.dll. The specified Citrix XML Service could not be contacted and has been temporarily removed from the list of active services.


    These are the pages on the IIS Crypto tool





  4. Hi,


    I am in the process of upgrading to the latest xendesktop ltsr 2203 from 1912.

    The problem I have is my environment is all 2012R2.

    I have deployed a new 2019 server (server3) as a delivery controller and added it to my current 1912 environment.

    The problem I am seeing is on my storefront servers. I keep getting this


    "An SSL connection could not be established: None of the SSL cipher suites offered were accepted by the server. This message was reported from the Citrix XML server at address https://server3.domin.com/scripts/wpnbr.dll. The specified Citrix XML service could not be contacted and has been temporarily removed from the list of active services." error.


    I have followed the guidance by citrix to enable the group policy and apply the ciphers in the order they suggest here https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX200185/application-enumeration-failing-after-applying-microsoft-kb2919355-for-windows-server-2012-r2 not exactly my issue but I thought it might fix it but it has not.

    I have set this policy on both the store fronts and the controller they are referring to in the error message but am still getting the error.


    Can anyone advise me please, im pulling my hair out now and I dont have much.


    My upgrade plan is to deploy new servers with OS, windows 2019 then add them to the existing roles using the 1912 LTSR installer, then I will remove the old 2012 servers and then I will upgrade to 2203 LTSR. I have a netscaler too running on version 13



  5. The year is 2021, March to be exact and I am having this issue on a windows server 2019 1809 running LTSR 1912 CU2.

    My folder is 3D Objects pluse WinX folders.

    The process that is locking the 3D Objects folder is UserProfileManager.exe!

    I also have no roaming desktop on 2019 pluse other issues.


    I would like to start with this duplicate profile .000/.001/.002 problems first.

    Does anyone have a fix?


  6. Hi all,


    I have a new problem on an old Citrix farm. This used to work perfectly. Last time I used this function was while updating some gold images on the 17th January.


    When I create a new catalog or update an existing catalog the second screen of the wizard that used to show a list of virtual machines that is expandable to show the snapshots is just a big empty white box!




    We are running Xendesktop 7.6 on Windows server 2012 R2 with all upto date security and critical patches.

    Vmware appliance version

    Vmware ESXi 6.5.0, 14320405


    The citrix server is able to power VM's up and down so the account and those permissions are fine.


    I have done the obligatory reboots of all the XD controllers and also the Vsphere appliance.


    I been searching the web but not found anything similar to this issue.


    Any help, advice or troubleshooting tips you can offer will be greatly accepted.


    Have a great day,


  7. Hi All,


    I have a strange one.


    I want to unbind a problematic cert. 

    I bound it to three virtual servers in NS11.1 and then upgraded the NS to 12.1.

    Now the cert is bound to four virtual servers and I cannot for the life of me find the last one.

    I used the search field in config and systematically went through the virtual servers unbinding this certificate but there is one final one I cannot find.


    The only information I have is it is called 


    VSERVER: local.domain.name-DtlsTurn


    Can anyone help me find this?


    Thanks in advance, any help is much appreciated.


    I guess the workaround will be roll back to 11.1 unbind and remove the cert and then upgrade.


    While I'm on certs, has anyone seen the issuer of a cert change before and after the 11.1->12.1 upgrade? I have one cert that is now showing a different issuer that I cannot link to my CA certs, hence why I am trying to remove it.

    Before upgrade it showed "Thwart RSA CA 2018" and after the upgrade it shows "Thwart TLS RSA CA G1"



  8. Hi All,


    I need to publish a URL in microsoft edge.


    I've been searching all over and all I can find is information about receiver in edge but nothing on publishing edge itself.


    Can anyone help me here. I've tried the following




    C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge


    The first one does nothing visible and the second one gives an unable to launch error. Error 2. If I put shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge in the command line argument it just opens a browser window, explorer.exe.


    I cant believe more admins havent been asked by users to publish apps in edge but there seems to be almost no information about this on the web.


    Thanks for any help

  9. Hi All,


    I have started recieving this error on android devices. A few weeks ago I successfully added my netscaler to workspace and worked fine. Today I cannot add it, instead I get this error.


    If I launch workspace on a device that already has this account on it it logs me in fine and I can launch apps I just cannot add it a fresh to a new device!


    I dont seem to be able to find much information on this error 548 online.


    Netscaler is version 11.1 51.21.nc VPX200

    Storefront is LTSR 7.6 -

    Android Workspace (1812)


    Thanks for any help you guys can offer





    Citrix Workspace for Android feedback

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ganesh Raju said:

    I hope you are entering the site with https:// or http:// as attachment, Added site was enumerated under Websites section before you close the panel.


    Trusted sites.PNG


    Yes I am, the entry moves down to the websites box and then I close the settings and re-open them but the address site is no longer listed in the lower websites pane.


    It does appear to be a GPO that is causing this. I am using loopback processing in merge mode and have isolated a user GPO where the sites to zones assignment is set. I have created a new gpo for this server and set the sites to zone assignment to disabled but this does not appear to over ride this user policy. If I completely remove this user policy from applying then the Trusted sites settings works as designed and saves the new address.


    I would like the remainding policies in the user gpo to be applied so ideally I would like to override the sites to zone assignments.

  11. Hi all,


    Im having an issue with IE11 functionality in a VDI.


    The vdi is a server and I did have a GPO in place to lock down the IE control panel.


    The users of this VDI need to be able to add Trusted sites and they feel the delay in requesting IT to add it to a GPO is too long.


    Ive had a look around the web and found something along the lines of the setting are still in place even after you remove/override the policy.


    I have set everything in Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Internet Control Panel > Security Page

    to "Disabled", in a new policy and confirmed using RSOP these new settings are taking precedence, but its still the same.


    The security tab is visible, you can choose the trusted zone and add sites but if you leave the control panel and go back in they are gone.


    Could it be a UPN issue?


    Help please :(





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