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Christoph Kolbicz1709156882

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Posts posted by Christoph Kolbicz1709156882

  1. it seems that someone has found a workaround for this issue. running this in a logon script will solve it:


    if (-not (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin))
    { Add-AppxPackage -Register "$env:windir\SystemApps\Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_cw5n1h2txyewy\Appxmanifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode -ForceApplicationShutdown }
    Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin


    credits go to Kasper Johansen (from World of EUC Slack) - i didnt try it myself, but since i never found it somewhere else, i thought its a good idea to share it here

  2. On 10/14/2020 at 1:56 PM, Bogdan Shandurkov1709161004 said:


    I am attaching both scripts that now work with XA1912.1


    Many thanks again

    export_apps.ps1 3.2 kB · 406 downloads import_apps_XA1912.ps1 5.98 kB · 296 downloads


    there is a small error in this import script -  it assumes that Name is the same as PublishedName. this caused errors in my case and I was able to fix it with these corrections (line 56):



                if($app.PublishedName -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -Name $app.PublishedName'}  # wrong

                if($app.Name -ne $null){$MakeApp += ' -Name $app.Name'}  # correct


    then I had to replace all instances of $app.PublishedName with $app.Name after the line 86.

  3. There is an official article from Citrix about the issue: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX267071



    Install Windows Server 2016 VDAs, as it does not have Web Account Manager, the component that is misbehaving.

    Disabling Web Account Manager via registry has worked in few cases but is not recommended by Microsoft.

    NOTE: This may not be supported by Microsoft because it causes other issues. Refrence:  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/troubleshoot/administration/disabling-adal-wam-not-recommended

    “DisableADALatopWAMOverride”= dword:00000001

    “DisableAADWAM”= dword:00000001

    "DisableMSAWAM"= dword:00000001

  4. 20 hours ago, Nick Panaccio said:

    Has anyone done any preliminary testing with 1912 LTSR in a W10 VDA using the ResetCache registry entry?


    this registry key is from Microsoft - not from Citrix - and resets the Start Menu Cache files under AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Caches - this is not directly related to Citrix UPM, but was used as a workaround for the bug UPM introduced in CU1. 


    for that reason ResetCache will work on any UPM versions and probably on other situation where the Start Menu cache gets corrupted. but it is a WORKAROUND and not a proper solution. CU0 did roam the cache folder on Server 2016 correctly and CU1+ broke it. since then Citrix "recommends" this key as a "solution" - but instead of roaming the cache correctly, it will just reset the Start Menu on every logon and adds additional delay during the login process. 

  5. Hm actually im not sure about 2016, but its worth a try.


    What you can also try is to optimize your image:

    - https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX224676

    - https://www.jgspiers.com/citrix-director-reduce-logon-times/

    - https://james-rankin.com/articles/how-to-get-the-fastest-possible-citrix-logon-times/

    - and if all that doesnt help, run procmon and check where it gets stuck


    Does disabling UPM remove the black screen?

  6. in my experience the black screen is caused by orphaned links or items in the userprofile. you can check following:

    • orphaned printers
    • orphaned links on the desktop and in the start menu
    • login scripts/gpo's pointing to servers that are not available
    • redirected ressources from the local client that are not available (network drives, printers)

    to have a quick result you can move the server to a separate OU without GPO's and login with a fresh profile. 

  7. i dont add Caches or TileDataLayer at all. Start menu works out of the box without additional configurations. those articles are for older versions of UPM.


    now the blank Icon Thing is very annoying. if you build a new Environment with CU4 or CU5, you wont see that issue. When you update from CU0, then you will - and in my experience does adding Cache not help at all. If you have the issue, ResetCache is the only Workaround that works as far as i know. Unless you want to Keep UPM on CU0 and only update the VDA to CU5 - this will work too.

    • Like 1
  8. if you get a corrupted startmenu, this is caused by including !ctx_localappdata!\Packages and Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat* in your policy. remove both (and add them to exclusions) and your startmenu will work. i had a case opened with Citrix about this and they said, that roaming UsrClass.dat is not supported and breaks the startmenu. this changed with UPM 1909, but with LTSR you should not include those two locations. 

    • Like 4
  9. i know this is an old post, but i ran into the same issue and didn't find an official documentation about this - but my work colleague knew the solution: connections through the SSL VPN are not getting all required DNS entries and therefore kerberos is not working. i saw exactly the same behavior in my traces - authentication to a web service did fallback to NTLM, which was not an allowed method for that service and therefore didn't work. 


    to fix that, you can disable DNS truncation as described in this article: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX200243 


    To resolve this issue run the following commands from NetScaler shell prompt:


    root@ns> shell
    root@ns# echo "/netscaler/nsapimgr -ys enable_vpn_dns_override=1" >> /nsconfig/rc.netscaler
    root@ns# echo "/netscaler/nsapimgr -ys enable_vpn_dnstruncate_fix=1" >> /nsconfig/rc.netscaler


    If we want those knob to work even without NetScaler reboot, we will have to run following commands   

    /netscaler/nsapimgr -ys enable_vpn_dns_override=1
    /netscaler/nsapimgr -ys enable_vpn_dnstruncate_fix=1


    after running those commands over shell, kerberos started to work properly using SSL VPN.

  10. i had the same issue after updating from 7.15 CU0 to CU4. i deleted one of the VDI's from the machine catalog and was not able to add it again with the wizard. but moving the VDI to a new PVS collection like @dkppel785 suggested actually worked. after that i moved the VDI back to the original device collection and everything was fine again.

  11. SNI was not supported with DTLS, but its now:




    “Support for SNI on a DTLS virtual server

    SNI (Server Name Indication) is now supported on a DTLS virtual server (frontend) on Citrix ADC MPX and VPX appliances. You can bind multiple SNI certificates to a DTLS virtual server.

    For more information, see


    [# 709345, 363547]”

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