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Jeremy Gove

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Posts posted by Jeremy Gove

  1. Does anyone know the proper syntax for the JSON body in the HTTP request when assigning a user while adding a machine to a delivery group using REST API in C#?


    I can add a machine with no users.  However, if I try to assign a user, it either still adds it without a user, or it returns a 400 error.


    I made a custom object for the request body based on the documentation and serialize that, but I've also tried the JSON manually.  I've tried these and probably some variations (for some reason, it tends to serialize the C# string "domain\\computername" with four slashes, even though I'm escaping the slash character -- if I put in one slash the code doesn't compile).


    As you can see below, I've tried my U.P.N. for the username, as well as domain\username.





    This is the guide I am following:




    Thank you!





  2. Thank you for your reply, Qianqian.  Yes, I managed to change the port that postgres listens on by editing the service file.  However, it seems like the V.D.A. is still trying to connect using the old port.  I thought that I might be able to change the J.D.B.C. connection string in /etc/xdl/ctx-vda.conf, but that didn't work, unfortunately.

  3. Someone wants to run a different program that seems hardcoded to use port 5432, which is also the default port for PostGreSQL.  Can we configure the V.D.A. to connect to PostgreSQL on a different port?


    I tried modifying /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf, but this didn't change the PostgreSQL listening port.  Next, I edited /usr/lib/systemd/system/PostgreSQL.service, ran systemctl daemon-reload, and restarted the "service", which made it listen on an alternate port; running 'lsof -I | grep LISTEN' confirmed this.  I also made sure that no firewall rules were blocking the alternate port.


    Then, I tried to figure out how to make the V.D.A. use this alternate port.  It looks like /etc/xdl/ctx-vda.conf contains a J.D.B.C. connection line, so I modified it to:




    Then, I tried to restart ctxvda and ctxhdx.  However, ctxhdx failed to restart.  After I rebooted the V.M., the daemons started, but /var/log/xdl/hdx.log was full of messages about an error connecting to the database.  Is there a way to configure it to use the alternate port?


  4. Thanks!   That is great news.  I realize that the installation procedure will probably vary and depend on the distribution used, but do you know what the target supported distribution(s) might be?  Will it be 32-bit ARM, 64-bit ARM... (I know that some RPi distributions are moving to 64-bit)?  I hope that I'm not being improper in requesting more information here.  I'll be glad to take this question elsewhere if you prefer.

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