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Sandro Haidenschuster

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Posts posted by Sandro Haidenschuster

  1. Hi guys,

    we can see the same issue but not with published application chrome, we have this issue with published desktop and chrome used inside the published desktop. for me it's not a workaround because it is hard to implement this for every use-cases. Of course I can edit the shortcut from chrome on desktop and for start menu but what if users open chrome through a link send my email or so, the parameter will not work. I do think it could also be related to the citrix audio channel and the sandbox together.

    Anyone opened a support case for this?


  2. 37 minutes ago, Baumgartner AG said:

    Got the hotfix now from my citrix engineer and applied it to the VDA on my vDisk.


    Conclusion: For me, the hotfix causes more problems than it solves... With the hotfix installed, opening a Citrix XenDesktop session is not possible anymore. Session opens and closes right away within 2 seconds. No matter how many times I try to open a session, it closes directly... 


    So I uninstalled the hotfix and sessions open fine again. 


    we had this issue first aswell and somehow the new TwEncode.dll was corrupt while copying and had 0 kb size. Maybe re-downloading the zip file and checking the right size of the dll (it has the same size like the old .dll just date is different) will solve your issue. we have tested the hotfix now on several XenDesktops and XenApp and it looks good so far.

  3. We have tested the 32bit installer and it's working for us aswell. We are switching from 64bit to 32bit installer. We will cleanup all MS Teams folder in %LocalAppData% and %AppData% and then after re-logon users will get the 32bit client into profile. We have another issue with MS Teams (preview pane is black when you try to open any document in preview mode), currently with 32bit client we cannot reproduce it. Hopefully it will keep working with 32bit client. Maybe the issues are all related to 64bit and the issue with citrix.

    I'll check if we can open a ticket, problem is that we then need some test image, test users .... and this for a longer time range because they need to gather some logs and so on.. this is always really time intensive :(

  4. hi,


    thank you for the update. you mean you use the 32bit installer? How do you handle already "installed" teams client in users profile? Currently we have over 2000 users who already have MS teams in their user profile so I guess we would need to cleanup the profiles with MS teams and then use the 32bit installer to install into the user profile?

    We are also using thinclients (igel) and are aswell waiting for the optimization. we have tested with default citrix optimizations (audio, video) and tested from a fat-client (connected through fat-client) and so far it's somehow usable, but not ideal. I have to test how it perform through our thinclients. What I know is that around mid of the year some optimization should be available, but we will see if this is true. 

    anyway bad from citrix that they do not have a solution, because this is a killer if webcam is not working.

  5. We are seeing the same issue. Our enviroment:

    Server 2016

    VDA 1811

    PVS 1811

    Igel ThinClients


    We can see this issue only when connecting from Igel ThinClients, if we connect through Windows Clients we cannot reproduce this issue. The only thing we can see in windows event log is the following:

    The Citrix ICA Transport Driver connection from IP:PORT has been suspended.


    This events (Event ID 1004-1007) are always generated when the user is disconnected. 

    I searched for this issue and it may seem to be related to session reliability or some NIC configuration, funny thing is that nothing was changed in this direction from our side, we only updated VDA and PVS Target to 1811. We also first uninstalled VDA 7.15.1000 and then rebooted, installed VDA 1811 and sealed the image. We also tried to update our Igel Clients to 10.05.500 with latest Receiver available for IgelOS, but no changes.


    Another side effect is that the graphic experience (we have setup policy "use video codec for entire screen" aka H.264 encoding) goes down with VDA 1811 and everything is blurry - with VDA 7.15.1000 there was everything fine and also from the same thinclient no disconnects or blurry graphic.


    We would also be happy for every hint/suggestion where to search for the problem.

  6. Hi Roberto,


    we had some issues with keyboard layout from devices other than windows client and maybe the issue could be the same. We had the problem that our language changed everytime we connected from iOS, MAC, Linux devices we have got english as layout instead of german.


    The problem for us was that the default user keyboard preload value was set to "German (Austria)". Somehow there might be a issue so we have changed the default layout to "German (Germany)" and then the problem was fixed. This key does not mean that you have to use German (Germany) as layout but you have to know that there is some "translation list" for the keyboard layout and so this is just the entry point and it will still use the remote keyboard layout.


    Give it a try, maybe it will solve your issue.


    Here is the key:


    HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload


    REG_SZ: 1

    Value: 00000407


    After changing the key, reboot your server.

  7. I had the same issue by one of my serverOS from 7.7 to 7.8 and then I found in the event log that one registry key was not accessible. I believe it was the same key (something with EUEM) and I didn't had SEP installed, we use another AV software.

    The solution for me was to edit the permission for this subkey (add local administrators to the group with full rights) and then restart the installation. This solved the problem for me.


    just to remark, I've updated about 50 serverOS and just got this problem by one of the serverOS machines.

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