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Martyn Dews

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Posts posted by Martyn Dews

  1. 10 minutes ago, Rob Zylowski1709158051 said:

    mdews749 Did you run the powershell script from an administrative powershell session?  I dont think it will work right otherwise.

    Let me test that too with the newer CTXOE

    OK, I'm an idiot, (in this particular case anyway), running against a W2012R2. Of course there will be no UWP apps! It's been a hard day, and it's still early! :32_expressionless:

  2. I got the App Layering Supplement working by adding the lines you mentioned but the UWP template created by the PS script still fails after adding the lines. It also seems empty so I guess there's either no UWP apps on the build I'm using or the script is not working with. I suspect the former. Odd that it still will not load and gets an XML error though.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ewald Bracko1709154210 said:

    I'm getting the error message below when I try to open the template.

    I also tried both templates.

    I'm using the newest Citrix Optimizer. v1.1.0.32.

    Maybe you have a clue about what's going on there...


    I'm glad you see the same error. I'm also using the later Optimzer version. What a coincidence that we posted at roughly the same time!

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