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Andrew Wilson1709154670

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Posts posted by Andrew Wilson1709154670

  1. I have implemented this and from my testing it works great. the homepage now works, but I haven't tested the saving password issue.


    Very weird issue and you can see why its a problem. if you open up the ntuser.dat in the registry on a windows 7 machine, the reg key already exists, but in 2012 R2 it doesn't, and creating it seems to fix it - very odd

  2. I tried VDA 7.0 but it just caused endless reboots on server 2012 R2 - maybe not compatible?

    Getting same problem with VDA 7.5 and 7.6


    I used the following switches....


    VDAServerSetup.exe /components vda /exclude "Citrix User Profile Manager"


    which I took from this website....




    I tried using all the switches in the article but didn’t get anywhere, so just used less switches and completed setup with the GUI


    I downloaded VDAServerSetup.exe from MyCitrix download section


    After install there was no UPM folder in program files, so I was hopeful but still have this problem


    I don’t understand how this issue isn’t more widespread on the web

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