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George Spiers1709154522

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Posts posted by George Spiers1709154522

  1. Myself and many others have run ngen update in all layers many times over without issue. I've noticed the process being temperamental more so in recent versions of App Layering so I feel your frustration. I've not encountered the same when purely using MCS/PVS so something is indeed going on in App Layering.

  2. Quote

    This hasn't happened since day 1 (that we've noticed), but rather has come in at some point in the last few weeks.

    Did you upgrade App Layering? Create a new OS Layer version and run ngen update. After that, create an App Layer from the new OS Layer version and you should notice ngen does not take long to complete.

  3. 11 hours ago, Clinton Dunn1709152451 said:

    With the above in place our users found Outlook quick and usable, however on emails with a lot of users copied in Outlook would freeze for 5 to 10 seconds.  Narrowed the cause down to the OAB (Outlook Address book) not downloading. The email would freeze whilst Outlook went back to the server to work out the address book list.


    The following resolved this:


    1) Enable the BITS service (Background intelligence Transfer service) - Outlook needs this service to download the OAB.


    2)Check the following registry key is in the user registry, in our case this key was missing. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Cached Mode and create a DWORD "DownloadOAB" with value set to 1 in the Cached Mode key.


    3) Close Outlook and open Outlook and check the offline address book downloads. If not, click on send/receive, Send/Receive Groups and download the address book. Once downloaded you should see an improvement in email speed.




    Thanks for sharing. That will help other people who may encounter the same problem.

  4. On the Delivery Group you have options under "Access Policy" such as "Allow all connections not through NetScaler Gateway" and "Allow connections through NetScaler Gateway".

    You can check both boxes, then use the filters box to control access to resources in that group for users coming in externally.


    Add a filter, with farm name set to your NetScaler Gateway vServer, and the filter set to a Session Policy on NetScaler.


    That Session Policy is attached to an AAA Group (which matches the name of an internal AD group which contains UserA). Now when UserA logs on from external, he doesn't see notepad, however users outside of the AAA Group continue to see notepad because they trigger a second Session Policy which is not filtered. Also when UserA browses StoreFront internally he sees notepad.


    Alternatively, instead of using AAA Groups you can use an expression directly on the Session Policy that is tagged under the filters box. That expression could be something like "HTTP.REQ.USER.IS_MEMBER_OF("UserAGroup") - UserAGroup is an AD group which contains UserA. When userA logs on, they match the criteria for SessionPol1 to be evaulated, and from there Notepad is not displayed as an icon because the filter is also matched, as set on the Delivery Group.


    This will allow you to have one farm, and one StoreFront store.

  5. Get-BrokerApplicationInstance -UserName "DOMAIN\Username"


    $app = Get-BrokerApplicationInstance -SessionUid "SessionUIDNumberOfApplicationYouWantToEnd"


    Stop-BrokerSession $app.SessionUid


    Now the above is based on a user that has for example two applications open from two different Delivery Groups. If users have multiple applications open from the same Delivery Group I don't know if there is a way to specifically end one of the applications sessions. Use Director for that.

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