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Alex Rubio

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Posts posted by Alex Rubio

  1. Hi Steve,

      The only flag that controls this is the "Allow cross profile copy and paste" which should be OFF.    Please make sure that the device refreshes its policies. You can go into SH, preference, device info, refresh policy, then try again.  

    If you still can copy paste into personal, then open a support ticket, and we would have to look into it.  I just tried on our cloud service and its working for me.



  2. You can only wrap your own enterprise apps.  You cannot wrap public app store apps.  For Office 365, you can use Intune ( that is the only way to protect those apps), and for other apps, the ISV may have App Config enabled (appconfig.org) to allow you to push some policies to the app.

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  3. You may want to contact support.  They can walk you through the troubleshooting steps.  Some things to consider:

    - Is your exchange internal?  If so, what is the network access policy set to?  Are you using background services? Make sure URLs are correct on there.  Look at the logs to see what the error is.  If Android is working, it's probably a type somewhere in the config.

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