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Can the same EIP be used for multiple Load balancers VIP on NetScaler ADC VPX running on public clouds?

Harihara Sudhan

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Guest Farhan Ali

In simple word NO we can't. As one EIP will be bounded to one Private ip. For e.g 52.5.x.x is bound to aws private ip being used by Netscaler VIP. So all traffic to 52.5.x.x will be transferred to VIP of Netscaler on

But Netscaler has some advance features using which you can play with the traffic and use it.

For e.g what we can do is create multiple VIPs on Netscaler with different port number. so lets say we have vip

vip1:- with port 80

vip2:- with port 8080

vip3:- with port 8888

and so on, we can assign backend servers as per need on each vips.

Solution1:- Now client will access 52.5.x.x:80 or 52.5.x.x:8080 or 52.5.x.x:8888 and traffic will go to multiple VIPs as per the port number.

Solution2:- Another way if port number is tricky is based on Netscaler smart feature of Rewrite/Responder we can also do like lets say the request is coming to xyz.com which is resolving to 52.5.x.x EIP and has different URI then we can do something like if request coming to xyz.com/data then send to vip1, if xyz.com/admin then send to vip2 and if xyz.com/corporate then send to vip3 and so on.

These way same EIP can be used by multiple VIPs and Backend servers

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