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Configure Citrix Policies using SDK

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Thanks for giving me the url. I am able to build a citrix policy using "new-brokerGPOPolicySet". But its not showing in the  Policy menu on the console

Is there a way of enabling it or for it to show?


Here are my commanads:

$policyset = New-BrokerGpoPolicySet -PolicySetType DeliveryGroupPolicies -Name "TestPolicySet" -Scope Any

$policy = New-BrokerGpoPolicy -Name TestPolicy -Description "For New Users" -IsEnabled $true -PolicySetGuid $policyset.PolicySetGuid

New-BrokerGpoSetting -PolicyGuid $policy.PolicyGuid -SettingName CPUusage -SettingValue 90

  • 4 weeks later...

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