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Gateway - Advanced Authentication Policies - portal customizations - languagues

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Hope someone can help me here 😉

I've set up a new Netscaler (version 13.1 52.19) and I would like to configure a new Netscaler Gateway VS (making use of a nfactor Authentication Profile). Users should authenticate with ldap and radius.

Carl has a great article https://www.carlstalhood.com/citrix-gateway-radius-authentication/ and this is functionally working.

I'm a bit confused though on how I can change the labels (according the browsers language) and the user interface.

A Portal Theme (copy of RfWebUI) is assigned to the Citrix Gateway VS, but I don't know if this is still making any sense as I'm making use of a login Schema?

In attachment you can see the result I've got now.

What I've tried (but without result):

  1. get the name of the custom login schema I've configured, open the xml file and get the labels (see second attachment).
  2. change the language file and configure the custom text (see third attachment) 


I don't know why but it seems like the customization isn't picked up.


Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Any help is much appreciated!


Another question is where I can change stuff like the background color and a logo, should I do this in the portal theme assigned?







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I observed that if we try to use loginSchema XMLs from an older build (13.0) and just copy them in to new release (13.1) they don't show up properly. So, I just ended up creating new customizations based on the original files in 13.1 and then everything worked. The screenshots look familiar.

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