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The Citrix Config Sync Service failed an import Error ID 505 Logging ps1:199, 1201,1202 Citrix 2203 CU3

Michael de Lima1709163772



After the installation of a citrix environment with 2203 CU3 i get the following Error:


The Citrix Config Sync Service failed an import.

Error details:

Error importing configuration data into secondary broker.

New-BrokerdesktopGroup:Problem contacting the database

Exception position: Logging ps1:199


I have only one ddc. and the css trace isn`t really meaningfull:Everything works fine. The app start and no issues. 

Anybody with a idea?


Best Regards




Local time    Message
2023-11-21T15:38:01    Importing Config configuration on \SV-MID-hlm
2023-11-21T15:38:01    ===========================
2023-11-21T15:38:01    Calling Set-BrokerConfiguration:
2023-11-21T15:38:01        AdminAddress: Type="System.String", Value="localhost:89"
2023-11-21T15:38:01        Configuration: Type="System.String", Value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><ConfigConfiguration Updated="true"><ConfigLas↵
                tChangeTime>2023-11-16T08:43:58.1530000</ConfigLastChangeTime><Zones><Zone Uuid="321de002-ede9-4d3a-bd2c-334121300468↵
                " ExternalUid="321de002-ede9-4d3a-bd2c-334121300468" IsPrimary="true" Name="Primary"><DDCs><DDC Fqdn="sv-mid-rayapp2.↵
                intern.ctk.de" SID="S-1-5-21-513764407-1032481964-373878507-2190" /></DDCs></Zone></Zones></ConfigConfiguration>"
2023-11-21T15:43:06    Exception: Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SdkOperationException: Unknown error occurred ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Unknown error↵
                 occurred --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Management.Automation.MshCommandRuntime.ThrowT↵
                erminatingError(ErrorRecord errorRecord)

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