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Autoredirect HID Device (Jabra Headset)

Raffael Trotta


Hello there,


I'm trying to figure out, how I can enable the AutoRedirection of a HID Device with the Workspace App.


A customer is using Jabra headsets with a Softphone on Citrix VDAs. Everything is fine audiowise, but to make the Headset Buttons (Pickup, Hangup) work, we need to redirect them non-optimisied.

This works so far by adding "CONNECT: vid=0B0E pid=24C7 split=01 intf=03 # Jabra65Engange" to the GenericUSB DeviceRules. This only redirects the HID Part of the Headset as non-optimised, and leaves everything regarding to Audio as optimised.


But, even since using "CONNECT" instead of "ALLOW", the users still have to manually enable the redirection upon each session start (Tab "Devices" within the Workspace App).

As far as I understand, "CONNECT" should result in a autoredirect?


For testing purposes I also added "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\GenericUSB\Devices\VID0B0E PID24C7" with DWORD "AutorRedirect" set to 1, but that doesn't help.


Any ideas?

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