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Azure Template Spec Versions Unavailable for Machine Profiles

Derek Loveless


We have been using Azure Template Specs for our Machine Profiles.  Yesterday we found that if we try to set an Azure Template Spec version as our Machine Profile, the version never appears.  We see the Resource Groups (RG), then once our RG is expanded, we see the Azure Template Spec.  However, once we expand that Azure Template spec, nothing displays below it.  In my screenshot you can see the arrow next to the Azure Template Spec that I haven't expanded and the MCS_Lab_USW2 Azure Template Spec which I did expand, and the version doesn't enumerate.  Our VM's enumerate also just fine.  Is anyone else having this issue?  I did open case #81652000 yesterday, so we'll see what comes of that.  I did test the connection and resources for the Hosted connection, and all was successful. 






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On 1/24/2023 at 11:25 PM, Derek Loveless said:

We have been using Azure Template Specs for our Machine Profiles.  Yesterday we found that if we try to set an Azure Template Spec version as our Machine Profile, the version never appears.  We see the Resource Groups (RG), then once our RG is expanded, we see the Azure Template Spec.  However, once we expand that Azure Template spec, nothing displays below it.  In my screenshot you can see the arrow next to the Azure Template Spec that I haven't expanded and the MCS_Lab_USW2 Azure Template Spec which I did expand, and the version doesn't enumerate.  Our VM's enumerate also just fine.  Is anyone else having this issue?  I did open case #81652000 yesterday, so we'll see what comes of that.  I did test the connection and resources for the Hosted connection, and all was successful. 








Please make sure that the JSON file has no typos since it is case sensitive.


For example "osdisk" in the JSON code will cause issues in showing up the versions in the Studio console, "osDisk" is the correct syntax.


You can review your JSON code and check for such typos.

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Thanks for your reply, I understand, but how does that help me? I would need any form of reference, to know what I did wrong.

I already use VSCode to write the template, with the official extension from Microsoft, which says my template is fine. Still, Citrix DaaS doesn't give me any feedback, why the template is not accepted.

We don't find any documentation how to create or validate this machine profile. Therefore, we are unable to create a machine catalog.


Source for the information: https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-daas/install-configure/machine-catalogs-create/create-machine-catalog-citrix-azure.html#create-a-machine-catalog-using-an-azure-resource-manager-image


There is also a PowerShell command to verify a template, which doesn't work:




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Hey Marco, do you have this section in your template?  This was missing from mine, and DaaS kept erroring when I would try to use select my Azure Template Spec version.


The original issue I asked about on this thread was resolved by the osdisk not being osDisk as Prateek mentioned.  VSCode with the Azure extensions did NOT catch that for me, and it worked with that improper format for a couple of months, so I don't know why all the sudden my Azure Template Spec versions stopped appearing.

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