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RHEL 8 pvs-imager fails due to upstream changes to grub2-tools rpm


Hi guys -  Just thought I'd report an issue with the pvs-imager for RHEL 8 VDA's failing to create a master image.


The current python script (Volumes.py) uses grub2-install to presumably configure the bootloader for use with PVS.  This now fails as per:-


CMD:pvs_tools.Volumes:grub2-install --debug --force --efi-directory=/tmp/Volumes.py-dd2snrj7/boot/efi --target=x86_64-efi--boot-directory=/tmp/Volumes.py-dd2snrj7/boot /dev/loop0


If you run this command independently outside of the script you'll receive:-


grub2-install: error: this utility cannot be used for EFI platforms because it does not support UEFI Secure Boot.


From some reading, it looks like using grub2-install is no longer supported for EFI based systems, and the alternative (sort of) is to use efibootmgr.


Reference https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1917213&GoAheadAndLogIn=1


Could the Linux PVS Agent v2112 be updated accordingly? - Currently I am unable to create a golden image with pvs-imager on RHEL 8.4 hosts (using EFI and secure boot)


PS - I should note, that the imaging process still fails, irregardless of secure boot being disabled on the VM (even though the --force flag is used)


Kind Regards

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3 answers to this question

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Hi Chris, so far PVS didn't support Secure Boot, please disalbe Secure Boot on the boot options, if PVS imager failed again(depending on different grub2 version), you can deploy with the latest PVS package like 2206, which has fixed relavant problem, any more concern about PVS Linux, please feel free to contact me.

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On 6/7/2022 at 2:21 AM, Bin Zhou1709163441 said:

Hi Chris, so far PVS didn't support Secure Boot, please disalbe Secure Boot on the boot options, if PVS imager failed again(depending on different grub2 version), you can deploy with the latest PVS package like 2206, which has fixed relavant problem, any more concern about PVS Linux, please feel free to contact me.


Thanks Bin - Unfortunately disabling secure boot in the virtual machine options still results in the same issue.  From my reading, the only option would be to move from GPT to MBR due to upstream changes to the way grub2-install works - which I'd rather not do.


I don't see the PVS 2206 iso available to download.  I can only see 2203 LTSR.  Could you send across the link for 2206?


Edit: Nevermind - I see 2206 hasn't been released yet.  I shall wait on the release and see if the updated script now works


Many thanks

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Upgrading to PVS 2206 has made no difference.  The process still fails.  Looking at Volumes.py - grub2-install is STILL being used for the bootloader segment of the imaging process.


grub2-install --force is no longer feasible for EFI based systems and efibootmgr must be used.


Citrix need to update Volumes.py to use efibootmgr, otherwise imaging Linux systems isn't possible.


Kind Regards

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