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File import process is slow when App Layering is enabled

Kent Bratt1709154576


We have been using App Layering successfully for quite a while. 

Occasionally we have had users complain of random slowness that was difficult to reproduce. It was typically when users were doing File transport of some type. 

We now have a re-producible activity that points to Elastic Layers being enabled being the source for the slowness (This is Not a slow logon issue)

We have a file import utility that imports a bunch of files to a folder from an external data source. 



1. Running this Utility on a Persistent Virtual Desktop, there is no slowness

2. Running this Utility on a Non-Persistent Virtual Desktop with Elastic Layering Disabled, there is no slowness. 

3. Running this utility on a Non-Persistent Virtual Desktop with Elastic Layering Enabled, but no assigned Elastic Layers, there is a noticeable slowness. It takes about 2 -3 times as long to complete

4. Running this utility on a Non-Persistent Virtual Desktop with Elastic Layering Enabled and 10 assigned Elastic Layers, there is a very noticeable slowness. It took 7 times as long to complete


The experience is the same if the Import Utility is installed in an Elastic Layer or installed directly on the machine. 

During the process, the lsass.exe process is running at about 70%


Have others experienced this? 


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