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Applayering 2110 - Offload compositing with PVS

Mike Kelly1709153237


Has anyone gotten this to work?  I have a support ticket open with Citrix that is moving along extremely slowly but I am curious if anyone has gotten it to work.  The task runs and I can see the VM spin up on vsphere and do its thing, it puts the vhdx file out on the share and I see it attempting to be imported into the PVS console as it puts an entry under my vDisks for it but the vdisk file never makes it to the PVS server and it shows "No Server" in the PVS console for that vDisk and I never see the vhdx file show up in my E:\Disks folder. The task fails on the ELM as well.  It says Vdisk properties were lost.  I can publish to my PVS server without issue without using the offload compositing so I know everything is good on that front.

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1 hour ago, Rob Zylowski1709158051 said:

Another customer with this issue was using my script to convert from vhd to vhdx and forgot to remove it.


Here's the error when it fails.... also fun fact since this version of ELM you can no longer download the export logs from a browser... it fails with "Something went wrong".  I have to use WinSCP and SSH to the appliance to pull logs.



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What would be the solution to this issue as I experienced a similar last week. I have not tried to used the "Offload Compositing" until now.

In my case, choosing either VDH or VHDX format does not make any difference. The vDisk are created on the Share but does not get into PVS and I do not have any script configured with the connector.

Manual import failed as well.


However while trying same today, I observed activities within the first 20 minutes and no more afterwards.

I had to manually kill the process after over two hours of no activity updates.


The same PVS-connector works fine as long as "Offload Compositing" is not activated.

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Unfortunately I have already discarded those vDisks since they did not work.

There is the probability that the vDisks were actually not fully completed but I did not take good note of them.

So, I need to focus on republishing.


It seems the publishing process is getting stuck after about 20 minutes of activities in "compositing layers: 42337 MB written". Though still on running but no updates and the size is not increasing.

Where should I follow up from here?



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Yes the agent was updated on the PVS-Server.


I would actually conclude that the earlier process that generated the vDisk was half completed, reason it could not be imported. 

I started a new process this morning @8:01:44 AM, got activity update last @8:34:13 AM.

It is now 1:30 PM, nothing is proceeding further and compositing layers is still at 41337 written for the past four hours.


This only occurs when "Offload Compositing" is used, otherwise the publishing process takes about 90 minutes.




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