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XenApp 7.15 CU5 VDA - Unattended Install

Kalpesh Mistry1709156584


Hi All


I'm trying to install XenApp 7.15 CU5 VDA using the cmd line as an unattended install. This is how my script looks...


xendesktopvdasetup.exe /quiet /noreboot /components vda /controllers "<FQDN of controller(s)>" /disableexperiencemetrics /enable_hdx_ports /enable_remote_assistance /installdir "E:\Program Files\Citrix" /logpath "E:\Logs" /exclude "Personal vDisk, Machine Identity Service, Citrix Personalization for App-V - VDA"


This works fine, but with or without the "/noreboot" option the install still requires a server reboot a couple of times.


(This is from a msg in the the log file - "XenDesktopSetup:To complete the process, restart the machine."). 


This is not such a big problem, but the issue i have is that the installation will only continue after i log onto the server desktop following the reboots.


Has anyone found a way around this so the install can complete without any user interaction?



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The way I have done it is to setup autoadmin login for a reboot in the registry and it will login to have the setup complete in the console.


What is really 'fun' though is upgrading with versions after 7.15 that may require multiple reboots. For that I set a scheduled task with high privileges set on the task, to then be called on login with the Run key in the registry. Then my script monitors the setup process and log files to see if it needs to reboot again or if it is done. 

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