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Monitor Connections on ADC VPX


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I have two virtual servers on my gateway with two different public ip and urls.

I want to monitor connexions (active user sessions, ICA connections, DTLS,...)  but I haven't found out how to know on which vs are  users connected.
Is this possible and if so, how ?

Thank you for your help.

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I've never found a way to see this in the GUI. You can do it on the appliance by going to  Citrix Gateway > Monitoring Connections > ICA Connection which tells you the username, protocol, etc. but doesn't say which gateway they came through.




The Citrix ADM appliance would be the best option for ease of finding the info. The HDX Insight, requires Adv or above licence on the Citrix ADC, provides a lot of additional session information such as WAN latency, bandwidth usage, gateway etc


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Otherwise, you can use the CLI command "show vpn icaConnection" to see all connected users. And additionally you can create a bash script to collect this list from an external client or monitoring service. See more details here: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX217728





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Thank you for your suggestions but none of them answer my needs.
Can be a track with ADM... but it's a "labyrinthine system" and it's subject to paid licenses.

I will still try to activate a demo version in ADC/Analytics.

ps : "show vpn icaConnection" gives the same information as in the web interface nothing more. :44_frowning2:

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2 hours ago, lbellotto said:

Can be a track with ADM... but it's a "labyrinthine system" and it's subject to paid licenses.

You are wrong about paid licenses. You talked about 2 vServers, and ADM is free for up to 30 vServers (just 2 with ADM-services in Citrix Cloud).


You just have to turn off automatic licensing. ADM will license all your LDAP, RADIUS, DNS servers and won't have any licenses left for VPNs.


Greetings from Austria


Johannes Norz




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