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Using PowerShell SDK to create an application works if and only if I create the delivery group in Studio

Mike Tan


So I have a script to basically get all of the machine catalogs, delivery groups, apps, desktops, scope, tags, etc and recreate them all in another environment, using the PowerShell SDK.  Everything works except one thing.


The applications don't appear in Storefront at all.


It seems that the delivery group is the problem, somehow when I use the script to create the delivery group, the application doesn't appear in the Storefront but everything looks okay in Studio.  


If I delete the app and delivery group, then create the delivery group in Studio, then use the New-BrokerApplication to create the application, then the application appears in Storefront.


Is there something I am missing when creating the delivery group?  Creating a desktop is okay as it shows up in the Storefront, just not applications. 



$bc = New-BrokerCatalog -AdminAddress servername -AllocationType Random -Description "Machine Catalog" -IsRemotePC $false -MachinesArePhysical $true -MinimumFunctionalLevel "L7_20" -Name "Machine Catalog" -PersistUserChanges OnLocal -ProvisioningType Manual -SessionSupport MultiSession
$bdg = New-BrokerDesktopGroup -AdminAddress servername  -Name "Delivery Group" -AutomaticPowerOnForAssigned $true -AutomaticPowerOnForAssignedDuringPeak $false -ColorDepth TwentyFourBit -Description "Delivery Group" -DesktopKind Shared -DeliveryType DesktopsAndApps -Enabled $true -InMaintenanceMode $false -IsRemotePC $false -MinimumFunctionalLevel "L7_20" -OffPeakBufferSizePercent 10 -OffPeakDisconnectAction Nothing -OffPeakDisconnectTimeout 0 -OffPeakExtendedDisconnectAction Nothing -OffPeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout 0 -OffPeakLogOffAction Nothing -OffPeakLogOffTimeout 0 -PeakBufferSizePercent 10 -PeakDisconnectAction Nothing -PeakDisconnectTimeout 0 -PeakExtendedDisconnectAction Nothing -PeakExtendedDisconnectTimeout 0 -PeakLogOffAction Nothing -PublishedName "Delivery Group" -SecureIcaRequired $false -SessionSupport MultiSession -ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse $false -TimeZone "Eastern Standard Time" -TurnOnAddedMachine $true


New-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -Name "Delivery Group_AG" -AllowedConnections "ViaAG" -AllowedProtocols @("HDX","RDP") -AllowedUsers AnyAuthenticated -Enabled 1 -AllowRestart 1 -IncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled 1 -IncludedUserFilterEnabled 1 -DesktopGroupUid $bdg.uid
New-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -Name "Delivery Group_DIRECT" -AllowedConnections "NotViaAG" -AllowedProtocols @("HDX","RDP") -AllowedUsers AnyAuthenticated -Enabled 1 -AllowRestart 1 -IncludedSmartAccessFilterEnabled 1 -IncludedUserFilterEnabled 1 -DesktopGroupUid $bdg.uid


New-BrokerMachine -MachineName domain\pcname -CatalogUid $bc.uid
Add-BrokerMachine domain\pcname -DesktopGroup "Delivery Group"


New-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress servername -Name "TextPad Editor" -BrowserName "TextPad Editor" -PublishedName "TextPad Editor"  -Description "TextPad Editor" -CommandLineExecutable "C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 7\TextPad.exe" -CommandLineArguments "" -WorkingDirectory "C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 7" -DesktopGroup "Delivery Group" -ApplicationType HostedOnDesktop -Enabled 1 -UserFilterEnabled $true


Add-BrokerUser domain\user -Application "TextPad Editor" -AdminAddress servername

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