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Setting cookie attribute SameSite=None for certain User-Agents

Jari Hietanen

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I would like to set SameSite=None attribute for cookies set by LB backend servers.


I would like to set this attribute first only for clients using Chrome 80 browsers.  


How I should implement this?


I tried something like this:


add rewrite action append_samesite_cookie_act replace_all http.RES.full_Header "\"SameSite=None; Secure; path=/\"" -search "regex(re!(path=/\\; SameSite)|(path=/)!)"
add rewrite policy append_samesite_cookie_pol "http.RES.HEADER(\"Set-Cookie\").EXISTS && HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"Chrome/80\")" append_samesite_cookie_act
bind cs vserver sso-test-cs-vip -policyName append_samesite_cookie_pol -priority 115 -gotoPriorityExpression NEXT -type RESPONSE


But I believe this is not working for Chrome80?


Is Citrix going to give any instructions how to tackle this quite serious issue for certain services such  SSO etc.?




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I copied the syntax for my policy/action from that article.


These are copied from my Netscaler CLI:


add rewrite action append_samesite_cookie_act replace_all http.RES.full_Header "\"SameSite=None; Secure; path=/\"" -search "regex(re!(path=/\\; SameSite)|(path=/)!)"
add rewrite policy append_samesite_cookie_pol "http.RES.HEADER(\"Set-Cookie\").EXISTS" append_samesite_cookie_act


I do get hits for policy.    However When checking the JSESSIONID named cookie got from backend server,  I do see that SameSite  has not any value.


I would like to set SameSite=None for clients using Chrome version 80 and newer. 

The action should keep HttpOnly and Secure attributes set (like originals) received from the backed server.



I am using Chrome 80.0.3987.106  browser and NS12.1 51.19 build.




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Thanks a lot.  This seems to work well. :)


add rewrite action append_samesite_cookie_act replace_all http.RES.full_Header "\"SameSite=None; Secure; path=/\"" -search q{regex(re!(Path=/\\; SameSite)|(Path=/)!)}
add rewrite policy append_samesite_cookie_pol "HTTP.RES.HEADER(\"Set-Cookie\").EXISTS && HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").CONTAINS(\"Chrome/80\")" append_samesite_cookie_act


It seems that policy works well for Chrome 80 browser.   Now I would like to figure out how to modify this to cover also future Chrome versions (81 and onwards).


I am not sure if that rexex works also with other than chrome browser if they are going to need this SameSite=None parameter set in the future?






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There are some known issues, so I would stick to recent versions of Chrome for now:



I think the following regex will work: HTTP.REQ.HEADER(\"User-Agent\").REGEX_MATCH(re!Chrome\\/8[0-9]!)

Also, you might want to make sure that you only set the SameSite attribute to none for specific cookie names.


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