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How do I modify the description in the splash entry when connecting via HTML5

Christopher Yue


4 answers to this question

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Yes it is very difficult to amend the description after creation.


After opening a ticket with support  they were able to provide the following registry change to simply suppress the message from appearing which works for me.


Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\Logon

Name: DisableStatus


Value: 00000001

Note: This registry entry needs to be created if it does not already exist.


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This is the Browser Name for the Applications/Desktops. It is created when you first publish a Desktop or App and remains the same even if you later change the name in Studio. I believe you can change it manually using the Citrix Powershell API's (easiest) and/or by editing the Citrix Database directly (at your own risk). Just make sure the name you change it to is unique and you don't remove the section starting with "$" for Desktops. There's also a 38 character limit.


For applications, use Set-BrokerApplication. For Desktops, I don't think there is a Powershell command for this, so if you must change it without recreating your Delivery Group or Published Desktop, you could edit the name in the Database directly (Table name is chb_Config.BrowserNames).


Of course, you could just recreate the resources in Studio, too, but this could break existing client's favorites or Workspace shortcuts.



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