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Product Versions and Names Churn: Is there a Comprehensive Matrix of All Citrix Releases Information

George Perkins1709160940


I found this article (LTSR) and so LTSR seems to be a bundle of some Citrix products (primarily only XenApp, XenDesktop?) grouped together in a known-good compatible configuration and given a unique version/release number, but actually just comprised of individual products having different current version/releases each on its own development schedule?  Is there a simplified matrix or grid describing what's in a given LTSR? Complicating matters, does a matrix exist showing all of the various prior and current Citrix product names and their corresponding service dates, LTSR packaging, etc.? I did find these (Product MatrixLifecycle Page, and Rename Explanation) but a table would be far easier to read.  Something I can export to a .csv download, maybe?







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21 hours ago, Carl Stalhood1709151912 said:


Thanks for replying. I looked over the update notes you reference, followed links to additional information, and continue to be as confused as before. I have a general idea of the difference between a "current" edition of a product (and the upgrade cycle for fixes and feature enhancements) versus the LTSR edition of a family of products (and their fix/update cycle without feature additions). But which products are adopting an LTSR strategy and what old versions of products by their former names are included in the new system of releases and updates? The versioning numbering systems have changed so a translation of all of these variables would seem like a simple matter of a table containing all the useful attributes. Does it exist?

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All products have been renamed. All products have newer versioning standard.


There have not been any LTSR releases since the product renaming and versioning changes so LTSR versions still use the old names and old versions.


For XenApp and XenDesktop, LTSR is version 7.15, plus the latest Cumulative Updates for 7.15.

  • The latest Current Release is Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) 1903

For Receiver, LTSR is version 4.9 with its latest Cumulative Updates (4.9.6000).

  • The latest Current Release is Citrix Workspace app 1903

Citrix XenServer (Hypervisor) also has an LTSR release on the older name.


I have some of this info at https://www.carlstalhood.com/xenappxendesktop-upgrades/#versionnumbering

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