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KIOSK Workspace and Power Management

Darryl Meyers


Using a Chromebook in KIOSK or public session KIOSK mode works great for launching a single app for the Citrix workspace app. Problem is power management, the Chromebook wants to sleep after 6 mins on battery and 15 minutes when plugged in. We would prefer to turn power management off or at least prevent it from going to sleep. When it does this it loses connection and students have to then wait to reconnect.


The preference is to have the devices go directly in the workspace app and not log into Chrome and then launch the app.


Tiny glitch but its annoying.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I assume you're deploying these from a gsuite environemnent?

What we have done, from the Citrix Workspace app kiosk settings (Device Mangement > Chrome > App Managment) find the appropriate OU and disable power management by moving the slider to the left so that "Allow app to manage power" was not selected.

Under user settings (Device Management > Chrome > User Settings) find the appropriate OU and search for "Idle", adjust the idle settings to your liking.

Under device settings (Device Mangement >Chrome>Device Settings) find the appropriate OU and search for "power" adjust the power settings to your liking.


We have had pretty good luck with these settings thus far.


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I am possibly having the same issues as OP. Using Acer CXI3 Chromebox with G-Suite management and have all the settings configured that smcgill recommended. However, when the Workspace app launches as a kiosk app it seems to ignore all those settings and puts the Chromebox to sleep after 15 minutes of inactivity. If a user was logged into a desktop session during that inactivity, they are disconnected and have to fully log back in. I would prefer that the Windows desktop session just time out their inactivity with a Windows lock screen!

I interrupted the Workspace kiosk app launch and confirmed the Chromebox will sit there without sleeping. It just seems that the Workspace app is ignoring the "disable power management" and idle settings.


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We have an EAR that addresses the power management. You may use this and give us the feedback.More details below..
To enable the feature, edit the Google Admin Console policy and set the value of the keep_awake_level property under power_settings to "display" or "system" and then restart the session.
The "system" level prevents the system from sleeping in response to user inactivity..
The "display" level prevents the display from being turned off or dimmed or the system from sleeping in response to user inactivity.
    "settings": {
        "Value": {
            "settings_version": "1.0",
            "power_settings": {
                "keep_awake_level": "display"

Note: In kiosk mode, the Allow app to manage power setting must be disabled. 
Citrix Workspace app for Chrome build information
Citrix Workspace App for chrome Tech Preview build: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/citrix-workspace-app-tech/lbfgjakkeeccemhonnolnmglmfmccaag?hl=en&authuser=3 

Kindly provide your feedback here: https://podio.com/webforms/21158007/1463361 
To use this app in your test environment, you need to whitelist this app id in storefront:
Link for the document: http://docs.citrix.com/en-us/receiver/chrome/current-release/deploy.html
1.    On the StoreFront server, use a text editor to open the web.config file for the Receiver for Web site, which is typically located in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\storenameWeb directory, where storename is the name specified for the store when it was created.
2.    Locate the following element in the file.
<html5 ... chromeAppOrigins="chrome-extension://haiffjcadagjlijoggckpgfnoeiflnem" ... />
3.    Change the value of the chromeAppOrigins attribute to 
Where lbfgjakkeeccemhonnolnmglmfmccaag is the item key for Citrix Workspace App Tech Preview Version

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@Shruthi Udayakumar


Can you confirm that the power_settings configuration should go in the Kiosk app policy? For example: 


    "settings": {
        "Value": {
            "settings_version": "1.0",
            "power_settings": {
                "keep_awake_level": "display"
            "store_settings": {
                "name": "CR Citrix Lab",
                "rf_web": {
                    "url": "http://172.XX.XX.XX/Citrix/StoreWeb"


Edit: I've confirmed that this policy does indeed work. We'll submit a feedback log to you tomorrow Shruthi.

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