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EDT-Adaptive Transport with Azure Netscaler

Franco Koenig

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hi all

i try to get my Azure VDI Windows 10-1703 to run with EDT over a own Netscaler in Azure, but it will not work. What i have:

Citrix Cloud Subscription - Create Deliverygroup and Hosting Connection to Azure

on Azure i have: Netscaler NS12.0 53.18.nc, own Storefron 3.13, and the Windows 10 VDI - NV6 Series

Citrix Policy i have enabled HDX Adaptive Transport

Netscaler i enabled DTLS and rebind Certificate

try it with VDA Version 7.15 and also 7.16, but i get always only TCP

Azure Firewall Rules i make inbound rules for tcp and udp to ports 80,443,1494,2598

no luck


is EDT on Azure Netscaler not supported, or did i miss something?




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hmm you are right, the netscaler config file what i imported into storefront, have not enabled session realibility, so i turn it now on, and will try it again. maybe this was the fault, for sure from internal storefront udp is working, and yes i have create the nsg´s on azure. let me look if the session realiblity is the trick. thx

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Can you verify that EDT is set as "preferred" in your Citrix Policy settings?  Also, now that you Session Reliability enabled, can you verify that when your end-users connect you see it going over 2598?  You can do this by opening the Receiver client and looking at properties of the Client connection.  You should see Session Reliability set to "Enabled"



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Okay, 2598 and 1494 should be listening and they are not.  We need to take the NetScaler out of the mix, until we can get your VDA to listen on the appropriate ports.  If the VDA is not listening, it will not work. If CTXSESSION shows TCP it will use TCP.  Can you run a GPUPDATE /FORCE to ensure you are getting the EDT policy?  Are these random pooled machines? if so, they may not cache the GPO and therefore can get weird when they startup.  

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ok, citrix policy come from the citrix cloud delivery broker, so it is a static desktop, i make gpupdate /force and looks now better. from internal storefront it works now, both UDP Ports are listening 1494/2598, and ctxsession show me UDP. Over Netscaler it is again at TCP. so it is a Netscaler Issue i think. but i have enabled dtls, rebind certificate, disable mac forwarding, so what did i forget?

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hmm good question, i am not so fit in this nsg rules on azure


netscaler is configured: - NSIP - SNIP - VIP - Windows 10 VDI with VDA 7.15.1

Backend LAN is

NSG Rule is associated to Backend LAN how it is in the picture above.

i am not sure if i have here with this rules a problem?


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i have the same issue. Netscaler 12 build 53 deployed in single ip mode on azure.  (No citrix cloud subscription) 

I use the netscaler only for the HDX connection. My storefront tells the users through hdx optimal routing, they should use the netscaler on azure, where the XenApp 7.16 (win 2016) is deployed.


TCP connection is working well. If i connect through EDT, is see on the ICA Connection page on netscaler the session, but my client not connect to the xenapp server. (there is no firewall or nsg between netscaler and the xenapp server. And also on the xenapp Server the firewall is disabled.

On Prem is edt working well with an on prem netscaler 12 build 53.

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Maybe a Azure Guru and also a Netscaler Guru can write a article how to configure Netscaler in Azure with a working EDT Support? I see there are no Citrix DOCS to this Scenario, and it would realy help us. So please Citrix Team, let us working all with EDT Protocol over Netscaler in Azure. Big Thx.

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  • 2 months later...

I dedicated a complete article on EDT in Microsoft Azure, which I’d posted online last week.


Maybe you’ll find it interesting as follow up on this discussion thread.


Read the complete article here:



Hope this helps.



Christiaan Brinkhoff

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  • 1 month later...

We (HDX) have found that sometimes a VDA running on Azure freezes up every 5-15 minutes requiring a session reconnect to resolve the issue.


Microsoft's Azure Support confirmed that Azure Gateway limits the packet size to 1420. Packets greater than 1420 may be dropped, and definitely truncated.

By default, Azure Gateway set TCP MSS=1350, and MTU=1400.

So we must reduce EDT MSS to 1400 or lower.

Relevant Azure documentation here:

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for me i test it today again. win10-1709 with vda 7.17, citrix session will open short, than citrix receiver message disapears, try to reconnect in 5 minutes, blabla. so it is not working. when i install vda 7.15 ltsr agent, than UDP is working. so you can say what you want, it must have to do with vda version or the combination of vda version and nvidia grid tesla m60 azure vm´s. 

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