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XenApp published application black screen

Francisco Gomez1709157070


Hi people.


We have  recently update our Windows server 2012 R2 XenApp server.

Our farm is Citrx Studio 7.15 and VDA 7.15 on XenApp server.

We have started to get a problem for users, where by they launch an application successfully, if they close his Citrix session with the apps oppened, and then,  they logon and try to open the apps, screen goes black and they cant use any application.

I have go to Xenapp server, and sing off the user session manually for they can use the apps sucesfully.


Any idea for this?


i try to resolve this with this instructions:




without satisfactory results




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4 answers to this question

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We are having the Same issue on 7.15. Did anyone find a resolution to this issue? I can make the screens go black if I right click on a file in explore and select open with. I have two cases opened with Citrix on this but still waiting for a solution. Once I select the program that I want to open with that program opens but is behind the Windows explorer screen. I have other applications doing this also. Users are getting frustrated with having to minimize the screen to find the screen that should be active. 


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