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VPX loosing heartbeat when running Terraform plan/apply.

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Hello @Selva SUBRAMANIAM​,

Thank you for posting your question here.

Can I need few more information?

  1. Is this issue happening when you try to create resources manually? (without terraform)
  2. Also, please include screenshots, OR, and terraform code to help us understand more on this issue.

Can I also request you open a GitHub issue on our Terraform provider https://github.com/citrix/terraform-provider-citrixadc/issues

Thank you

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Hi @Sumanth Lingappa​ 

  1. There is no problem with creating the resources manually.
  2. There is no problem with creating the resources using Terraform as well. Problem seems to be related to performance of the VPX.

We have around 500 resources (servers, gslb vservers, content switching vservers, lb vservers and service groups ) to each VPX HA pairs. When we run the terraform plan or apply we are getting following HA messages. This will cause rogue endpoint issue in ACI and brief outage to apps.


I believe we have to throttle the requests in Terraform or VPX and make sure Terraform requests are not affecting the VPX performance or Heartbeat messages.

Thank you.

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@Selva SUBRAMANIAM​, this requires further troubleshooting.

To help you faster, we recommend you open a support ticket for this. And mention the support ticket details here.

Please include all the necessary details, among other things,

  • tech support bundle
  • which netscaler related terraform providers are you using? (citrixadc, citrixsdx, citrixadm)
  • terraform logs
    • TF_LOG=TRACE TF_LOG_PATH="./tf.log" terraform plan (or apply)
  • terraform plan and apply console outputs
  • a brief network and config architecture (what do you intend to achieve in general and using terraform in specific)

Please include any additional information to help us to understand further.

Thank you,


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