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Microsoft Word 2010 - Enable Live Preview

Martin Hancock



I have an issue on a Citrix XenApp 6.0 server where Live Preview in MS Word 2010 is disabled the following message:

'Previews have automatically been disabled based on terminal server settings....'

Live Preview works fine when a user is logged in as administrator via Citrix but when a regular user is logged in via Citrix the message appears.

When a user connects via the Microsoft RDP client Live Preview works fine.

Has anyone seen this before?


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15 answers to this question

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Hi Marty and welcome to the forum!

How was Office 2010 installed? Which version is being used?

Can you please check if there is the following setting available in the users registry?

On 32-bit Windows, change the following flag value to 0:

Name: Flag
Data: 0

On 64-bit Windows, change the following flag values to 0:

Name: Flag
Data: 0

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Hi Reinhard,

Thanks for your reply.

I installed Office 2010 Standard via the 'Install application on remote desktop server' control panel applet.

The key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\CtxHook64\AppInit_Dlls\UIHook does not exist on my Windows 2008 R2 terminal server. I have the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\CtxHook but no CtxHook64 key.

Inside HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\CtxHook I have AppInit_Dlls but no UIHook

I've attached the screenshot of my registry hive to this post. Do I need to create the UIHook key?



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We have seen a few cases like this logged already. What we have found was that in enviroments where we see this option greyed out it can be re-enabled the following way:
Computer Properties,
Advanced System Settings

Then set Best Preformance... appply... and reset to the previous option (Usually "Let Windows Choose")

The option is then available when word/exccel are launched... and for all future reconnections.
Internally we have attempted to procmon this change to see what reg enties are being altered in an effort find the root cause but so far have not been secessful.

As soon as we have narrowed in on this I will report back again.

Also, it is worth noting that this only affects some enviroments and not all...


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I've got the same problem like martywire... even if I logon with a user which is a domain administrator the live preview option is greyed out.

Checked twice my group policies... there is nothing configured about live preview feature. Set the corresponding settings to enable this feature via Group Policy: nothing changes... still grayed out.

Checked the mentioned registry key: it doesn't exist!

My environment: Citrix XenApp 6.5 with latest HRP installed running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with SP1 installed. Office 2010 installed as 32-bit application and given to my users as "published App" not streamed.

Quite made some tests with different constellations... only if I rename a user profile directly on the Win Srv 2008 Server (the profile directory is usually saved on our central managed fileserver) and let my user connect with his unchanged username the live preview option isn't grayed out and I'm able to use this option. Disadvantage of this solution: the user isn't able to save any settings... due to the not existing profile directory on the server.

As we've got many users with grown profiles the way of making new user profiles isn't a way for me...

Are there any new suggestions to get this thing working?



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Hi Marty,
That is not a problem from Citrix, is a Config-Restriction from your Terminal-Server.

My english is not so good, excause me, but try the following things:
On the User-Desktop, who have this problem, open the *Control Panel / System / Advanced System Settings*.
Go to the register "*Advanced*" and klick on "*Settings*" in the region "*Performance*".
Change the Visual Effects to "*Adjust for best performance*", click *Apply*.
Now activate "*Menüs in Ansicht ein- oder ausblenden*" (Germany) in Visual Effects. I think it is in English "*Fade or slide menus into view*".
Click Apply
Now you see in Word the Live Preview ist enabled.

To deploy this setting, make an Log off / Log on with this user.
Export the Registry-Key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"
and delete all in the Reg-Export except "*UserPreferencesMask*" !
Save it and deploy it to the other users by GPO, ...
But remember, the other users must login 2 times to see the effect.

Hope thats your solution too!

by Günter

Edited by: ctxAekv09 on 24.10.2012 09:45

Edited by: ctxAekv09 on 24.10.2012 09:46

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Hi Marty,

I wrote the following:
Modify the visual style in Advanced System Settings.
Export the reg key.
Delete all entries except the "UserPreferencesMask" in Reg file.
Distribute only this Reg-entry.
Therefore nothing is deleted. You only made ​​a change of this value!

What does it all! See here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc957204.aspx


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